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Oct. 9 - 30 th

Wen. 7-8:30 PM

 Four 90 min. sessions
Intro to massage, Berkshire Community College,  Pittsfield, MA.

Cost, $60 per person.   No prerequisites. See class description below.

To register call Berkshire Community College. 413-499 - 4660 or e-mail us


Sept. 25 - Oct. 16 th

Wen 7-8:30

Four 90 min. sessions
Intro to massage, Williams College, Williamstown, MA

Cost, $50. Per person. No prerequisites. See class description below.

To register call InTouch Massage 413-458-3235 or e-mail us


Sept. 26 - Oct. 10 th

Thu 7 - 8:30

Three 90 min. sessions
Active Isolated Stretching, Williams College, Williamstown, MA

Cost $45.00 per person. No Prerequisites. See class description below.

To register call InTouch Massage 413-458-3235 or e-mail us

Intro to massage is four fun 90 minute classes designed to introduce the basics of Swedish massage. This is a hands on class. After an initial introduction and short demonstration, class participants will spend the majority of class time practicing on each other under guided supervision. Open to individuals, partners, parents with children. EVERYONE IS WELCOME.
 Instructors, Marc Freedman and Laila Frais.

Active Isolated Stretching. Be ye professional athlete, weekend warrior or coach potato. This 3 session class will introduce a totally new way to increase flexibility, muscle elasticity and range of motion. We will also explore the biomechanics of several sports to gain an understanding of how "tight" muscles translate into decreased range of motion that lessens our athletic ability and often leads to injury. I used many of these techniques while working with Olympic athletes during the 2000 Sydney games. Optional text book available for an additional $15.00
 Instructor, Marc Freedman

For answers to specific questions please write or call.
